Wednesday 15 February 2012

2nd hand out, 2nd question.
A)   Adding these matrices would give you the sum of all nuts sold in Feb + Mar.
                           2x3                                                                         2x3
Add the elements in the corresponding potion (as referred to in the notes) giving you your answer of:

A)   Site X sold less Almonds and Peanuts in February then in March but sold more pecans in Feb then in Mar. While site Y sold more Almonds and Pecans in Feb then in Mar but sold fewer peanuts in Feb then in Mar. Site Y, Almond had the greatest increase in sales.
2nd hand out, 3rd question

B) The Dimensions are 4X3
C) Finding the value of A23 mean matrix A row 2 column 3 which gives you 15.
D) What does A31 represent? It represents Store 3 distributing 20 of P1
3rd hand out, 2nd question

*Keep in mind when multiplying the columns in the first matrix (X) must be the same as the rows in the second matrix (Y). Write out the dimensions.     2X4                                           4X1

To determine the dimensions of the sum matrix you use the outside numbers. This will give us a 2X1 Matrix. To get your answers you take the elements from the row X elements from the corresponding column.

3rd hand out, 3rd question

A)   Dimensions of matrix N = 4X3, matrix P = 3X1
B)    N42 = Game 4, 3-point field goals.

Scalar multiplication – Remember to times each element by the same constant. I’m using 1 as my constant

The total number of field goals is 118. Found by adding all the numbers in the row.

F) The dimensions would be 9X3 because you’re adding 5 games to the 4 you already have.

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